Cryptography – 500 pts (1 solve) – Chall author: Polymero (me)
“Hills are easy to climb, but mountains? Hoho, they sure are something else!”
nc 2238
Note: Wrap the flag with flag format (flag{}
This challenge was part of our very first CTF, K3RN3LCTF 2021.
On the surface players are presented with an encryption and decryption service running Mountain Cipher. Used parameters and the current state of the key cube can also be inspected.
| ___ ___ ___ _________ _
| / / / /\ (_________) _ (_)
| /___/___/___/ \ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _| |_ _____ _ ____
| / / / /\ /\ | | |_| | | / _ \ | | | | | _ \ (_ _) (____ | | | | _ \
| /___/___/___/ \/ \ | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | |_ / ___ | | | | | | |
| / / / /\ /\ /\ |_| |_| \___/ |____/ |_| |_| \__) \_____| |_| |_| |_|
| /___/___/___/ \/ \/ \
| \ \ \ \ /\ /\ / _______ _ _
| \___\___\___\/ \/ \/ (_______) (_) | |
| \ \ \ \ /\ / _ _ ____ | |__ _____ ____
| \___\___\___\/ \/ | | | | | _ \ | _ \ | ___ | / ___)
| \ \ \ \ / | |_____ | | | |_| | | | | | | ____| | |
| \___\___\___\/ \______) |_| | __/ |_| |_| |_____) |_|
| |_|
| Welcome to the Mountain Cipher Encryption Service!
| Current version: 1.0 (Insert Challenge)
| [0] Show info
| [1] Inspect key cube
| [2] Insert FLAG slice
| [3] Encrypt
| [4] Decrypt
| [5] Exit
| >> 0
| Mountain Cipher Encryption Service (MCES) v1.0
| "Hills are easy to climb, but mountains? Hoho, they sure are something else!"
| Dimensions (n): 5x5x5
| Prime Modulus (p): 251
| Matrix Output: True
| Hex Output: True
| Challenge: recover the FLAG by inserting it into the KEY CUBE.
| [0] Show info
| [1] Inspect key cube
| [2] Insert FLAG slice
| [3] Encrypt
| [4] Decrypt
| [5] Exit
| >> 1
| Key Cube (5x5x5)
| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| / / / / / /\
| /___/___/___/___/___/ \
| / / / / / /\ /\
| /___/___/___/___/___/ \/ \
| / / / / / /\ /\ /\
| /___/___/___/___/___/ \/ \/ \
| / / / / / /\ /\ /\ /\
| /___/___/___/___/___/ \/ \/ \/ \
| / / / / / /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
| Message Cuboid ---> /___/___/___/___/___/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ ---> Cipher Cuboid
| \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /
| \___\___\___\___\___\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
| \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ /\ /\ /
| \___\___\___\___\___\/ \/ \/ \/
| \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ /\ /
| \___\___\___\___\___\/ \/ \/
| \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ /
| \___\___\___\___\___\/ \/
| \ \ \ \ \ \ /
| \___\___\___\___\___\/
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Current slices: K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
| [0] Show info
| [1] Inspect key cube
| [2] Insert FLAG slice
| [3] Encrypt
| [4] Decrypt
| [5] Exit
| >>
Especially interesting is the possibility of injecting a 5x5 matrix into the cube containing the FLAG characters! But what is this 5x5x5 cube even used for? Let’s take a look at the Mountain Cipher source code. In we find some standard matrix operations, involving matrix multiplication, determinant, adjoint, and the transpose.
# LINEAR ALGEBRA HELPER FUNCTIONS (no numpy.linalg, no sage)
# Matrix determinant
def det(m):
if len(m) == 2:
return m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[0][1]*m[1][0]
return sum( (-1)**(i) * m[0][i] * det( [list(mi[:i]) + list(mi[i+1:]) for mi in m[1:]] ) for i in range(len(m)) )
# Matrix transpose
def trans(m):
return [[m[j][i] for j in range(len(m))] for i in range(len(m))]
# Matrix adjoint (to calculate the inverse)
def adjoint(m):
adj = [[0 for _ in range(len(m))] for _ in range(len(m))]
for i in range(len(m)):
for j in range(len(m)):
adj[i][j] = (-1)**(i+j) * det( [ list(mi[:j])+list(mi[j+1:]) for mi in list(m[:i])+list(m[i+1:]) ] )
return trans(adj)
# Simple matrix multiplication (mod p)
def matmult(A, B, p):
assert len(A) == len(B)
n = len(A)
C = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
for ri in range(n):
for ci in range(n):
C[ri][ci] = sum( [A[ri][i]*B[i][ci] for i in range(n)] ) % p
# Return
return C
There are a couple of ‘helper’ functions used to generate appropriate keys, and to pad and shape any input message into (a list of) 5x5 matrices.
# (u)Random key gen for both public and private keys
def keygen(n, p):
i = 0
while i < 100:
keycube = [[[int(bytes_to_long(os.urandom(p//256 + 1))/256*p) % p for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
keyDINV = [int(inverse(det(k),p)) for k in keycube]
keyCINV = [[[c*keyDINV[i] % p for c in r] for r in adjoint(k)] for i,k in enumerate(keycube)]
return keycube, keyCINV[::-1]
i += 1
raise ValueError('Key generation failed, try again or try with a different p...')
# Padding and msg matrixfier
def pad(msg, n):
# Bytestrings only pls
if type(msg) == str:
msg = msg.encode()
# Apply padding
while (len(msg) % (n*n) != 0):
msg += os.urandom(1)
# Matrixfy and return
return [[list(i[j:j+n]) for j in range(0,n*n,n)] for i in [msg[k:k+n*n] for k in range(0,len(msg),n*n)]]
Finally, we encounter the encryption and decryption functions. The used methods are very similar to the classic Hill cipher, yet we have a key ‘cube’ consisting of 5 key matrices all used sequentially on each 5x5 input matrix. Note that using 5 key matrices does not improve the security of the cipher at all as they can just be collapsed into a single key matrix, bringing the Mountain Cipher back to the classic Hill cipher.
# Mountain Cipher Encryption Function
def encMC(msg, n, p, key=None, verbose=False):
# Create key if none given
if key is None:
key, _ = keygen(n, p)
# Convert msg to matrix
if type(msg) != list:
msg = pad(msg, n)
# For all nxn msg matrices
ct = []
for mi in msg:
# Hill-cipher encrypt with every key matrix
for i in range(n):
mi = matmult(key[i], mi, p)
# Add result to ciphertext
ct += [mi]
# Debug
if verbose:
print('Key Cube\n',key, '\n')
print('Message Cube\n',msg, '\n')
print('Cipher Cube\n',ct, '\n')
if p < 256:
print('Msg\n',bytes([i for j in [i for j in msg for i in j] for i in j]), '\n')
print('Cip\n',bytes([i for j in [i for j in ct for i in j] for i in j]), '\n')
# Return ciphertext in hex
if False and all(i < 256 for i in [i for j in [i for j in ct for i in j] for i in j]):
return bytes([i for j in [i for j in ct for i in j] for i in j]).hex()
return ct
# Mountain Cipher Decryption Function
def decMC(cip, n, p, key):
# Transform cipher text
if type(cip) == str:
cip = bytes.fromhex(cip)
if type(cip) != list:
cip = pad(cip, n)
# Decryption key from key
detinvs = [int(inverse(det(k),p)) for k in key[::-1]]
deckey = [[[c*detinvs[i] % p for c in r] for r in adjoint(k)] for i,k in enumerate(key[::-1])]
# Get decryption through encryption with decryption key
return encMC(cip, n, p, key=deckey, verbose=False)
All in all, we have found the following key observations.
- We are dealing with a ‘3D’ variant of the classic Hill cipher, with 5 key matrices instead of just 1.
- We can replace one of the key matrices with the flag matrix at will.
- The server will let us encrypt and decrypt any data we want.
Our approach will consist of the following steps.
- Call a single encryption of a 5x5 input matrix for every possible key cube configuration.
- Set up a system of linear matrix equations.
- Solve the above system for the FLAG matrix.
By calling the server to encrypt a single input matrix for every key cube configuration we receive the following system of matrix equations.
\[C_0 = K_5 K_4 K_3 K_2 K_1 M_0\] \[C_1 = K_5 K_4 K_3 K_2 F M_1\] \[C_2 = K_5 K_4 K_3 F K_1 M_2\] \[C_3 = K_5 K_4 F K_2 K_1 M_3\] \[C_4 = K_5 F K_3 K_2 K_1 M_4\] \[C_5 = F K_4 K_3 K_2 K_1 M_5\]Right, so let’s start solving! We start with rewriting $C_3$ to
\[K_5 K_4 F K_2 K_1 = C_3 M_3^{-1}.\]Then we can rewrite $C_0$ twice to
\[K_5 K_4 = C_0 M_0^{-1} K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1}\] \[K_2 K_1 = K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} C_0 M_0^{-1}\]and substitute it in our previous results to find
\[K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} F K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} = M_0 C_0^{-1} C_3 M_3^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1}.\]Next we can use $C_4$ and $C_2$ as
\[K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} = M_4 C_4^{-1} K_5 F\] \[K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} = F K_1 M_2 C_2^{-1}\]to further develop our previous result to get
\[K_5 F^3 K_1 = C_4 M_4^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_3 M_3^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_2 M_2^{-1}.\]Getting closer! Now we will use $C_0$ twice again as
\[K_5 = C_0 M_0^{-1} K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1}\] \[K_1 = K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} C_0 M_0^{-1}\]to derive
\[K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} F^3 K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} = M_0 C_0^{-1} C_4 M_4^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_3 M_3^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_2 M_2^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1}.\]Alright, final step! Now let’s use $C_1$ and $C_5$ rewritten as
\[K_1^{-1} K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} = M_5 C_5^{-1} F\] \[K_2^{-1} K_3^{-1} K_4^{-1} K_5^{-1} = F M_1 C_1^{-1}\]to arrive at a function for F independent of any key matrices
\[F^5 = C_5 M_5^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_4 M_4^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_3 M_3^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_2 M_2^{-1} M_0 C_0^{-1} C_1 M_1^{-1}.\]Note that we can simplify this quite a bit by just setting all input matrices to the identity matrix.
Yay! Ah, wait… It’s a power of the FLAG matrix, what do we do now? Well, through the power of linear algebra we can diagonalise $F^5$ as
\[F^5 = X D X^{-1},\]where $X$ contains the eigenvectors of $F^5$ as columns, and $D$ the eigenvalues on its diagonal. Taking modular square roots of a general matrix is not a trivial thing, yet for a diagonal matrix this turns out to be quite simple. So we can finally recover the flag by solving
\[F = X D^{1/5} X^{-1}.\]Here is some example sage script for the final part.
# Get eigenvectors to form columns of the X matrix
X = Matrix(GF(263),[flag5.eigenvectors_right()[i][1][0] for i in range(5)]).T
Xinv = X.inverse()
# Get eigenvalues to form the diagonal D5 matrix
D5 = Matrix(GF(263),[[0]*i + [flag5.eigenvalues()[i]] + [0]*(4-i) for i in range(5)])
# Assert found decomposition is correct
assert flag5 == X*D5*Xinv
# Take 5th rooth of diagonal matrix (trivial) to recover the flag eigenvalues
flag_eigval = [GF(263)(i).nth_root(5) for i in flag5.eigenvalues()]
# Build new diagonal matrix
D = Matrix(GF(263),[[0]*i + [flag_eigval[i]] + [0]*(4-i) for i in range(5)])
# Assert found eigenvalues create the flag matrix
flag_rec = X*D*Xinv
assert flag == flag_rec
# Print flag
print(bytes([i for j in flag_rec for i in j]))
Thanks for reading! <3
~ Polymero