NetOn CTF 2021 - Facts Br0!

Cryptography – 244 pts (10 solves) – Chall author: N0xi0us

Importing the PEM key file we find a very short public key, which we trivially factorise using online tools.


The challenge provides us a long integer as flag and a public key in a PEM file format. Ding ding ding, RSA alert!


The public key is too short, which allows us to crack it! The PEM file contains the public parts of RSA cryptography, namely ‘n’ and ‘e’, encoded in base64. If you do not recognise these variables it might be nice to read up a little on RSA cryptography, the encoding itself is fairly straightforward.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

However (!), I did not realise that the PEM file format has some additional encoding elements such that you cannot simply convert the two base64 strings to integers and call it a day. I naively found

n = 74174491295044795964181854285195495718964397093731395961824370391827799637138867436334319587298835673227084716446
e = 65537

Although the ‘e’ has a commonly used value, the ‘n’ does not factor nicely into two primes… So I used a Python library to do it for me properly

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

f = open('../public.pem')
key = RSA.importKey(

which gave the public RSA elements as

n = 324724323060034233289551751185171379596941511493891
e = 65537

This time around, the ‘n’ actually factors nicely (using factordb) into the two primes

p = 25001545096244227516337
q = 12988170203481337861511552243

Using these and an Euler inverse function, I was able to derive the private key, the private RSA component ‘d’ to be

def eulinv(x, m):
    a, b, u = 0, m, 1
    while x > 0:
        q = b // x # integer division
        x, a, b, u = b % x, u, x, a - q * u
    if b == 1:
        return a % m
        return None

d = eulinv(key.e,(p-1)*(q-1)); print(d)

Now we are able to decrypt the provided ‘flag’ using m = pow(c, d, n). In Python

# Get message from encrypted flag
# Turn integer into binary (0 added in front )
mbit = bin(26634179113006760524799996616930504110973)[2:]
# Pad with 0s in front to make sure it is in byte format
while len(mbit) % 8 != 0:
    mbit = '0' + mbit
# Bytes -> ASCII
m = ''.join([chr(int(mbit[i:i+8],2)) for i in range(0,len(mbit),8)])

which happily returns
