My Challenges

Challenge Philosophy

I love to make creative and unique challenges that push the players to really think about and investigate potential vulnerabilities, instead of pulling a ready-made exploit from GitHub.

I usually divide my challenges into one of three categories:

  1. TOY challenges are all about analysing and exploiting vulnerabilities in toy cryptographic primitives I make myself. The players will attack these primitives directly. This will test a player’s cryptographic knowledge and their ability to cryptanalyse using the provided source code.

  2. IMP challenges are all about exploiting flaws in the implementation of secure cryptographic primitives. The players will attack the security of these primitives by abusing their flawed implementation. This will test a player’s knowledge on the limitations of the used primitives and their ability to exploit these limitations.

  3. PZL challenges are somewhat looser challenges that challenge the player’s math, logic, and problem solving skills.

In need of Crypto challenges for your CTF? Get in touch!

Overview of Published Challenges


BlackHat MEA CTF 2023 Finals [CTFtime]

CiceroCryptoTOYVigenere★★, ★★★Python?-
Jzhnmipi Gqffcf HmppwfvCryptoIMPRSA★, ★★Python?-
DeniedCryptoIMPSchnorr★★, ★★★Python?-
Tapa ShashaCryptoIMPPSS★★★, ★★Python?-
Lunch when?CryptoTOYSPN★★★, ★★★★Python?-
PolyCertCryptoIMPRSA-SSA★★, ★★★★★Python?-
Ping PongCryptoTOYDSA★★★★, ★★★★Python?-
JoykoCryptoIMPDemytko★★★(★★), ★★★Python?-

BlackHat MEA CTF 2023 Quals [CTFtime]

OctopodalCryptoIMPDLOG★, ★Python?-
AcceptanceCryptoIMPSchnorr★, ★Python?-
SulfurCryptoTOYECC, Knapsack★, ★Python?-

GITEX Africa CTF 2023 [Website]

Typo Terminator ICryptoTOYOTP★, ★Python5-
Typo Terminator IICryptoTOYOTP★, ★★Python1-
T1M3LY T0K3NSCryptoIMPAES-CTR★★, ★Flask1-
iMAC (re-use)CryptoIMPHMAC★★★, ★★★Python1-
likeClockwork (re-use)CryptoTOYRSA★★, ★★★Python0-

HITB Amsterdam CTF 2023 [CTFtime]

iMACCryptoIMPHMAC★★★, ★★★Python1-
TipiCryptoIMPDHE, KDF★★, ★★Python1-
HUFFinCryptoIMPAES-CTR, Huffman★★, ★★★Flask1-
likeClockworkCryptoTOYRSA★★, ★★★Python0-
CTULUCryptoTOYDHE, DSA★★★★★, ★★★★Python0-

UMASS CTF 2023 [CTFtime]

Wrath of the Sweating BuddhaCryptoTOYPaillier★★, ★★Python6-

idekctf 2022* [CTFtime]

CleithrophobiaCryptoTOYAES-CBC★, ★Python58-
MegalophobiaCryptoIMPRSA★★★, ★★★Python17-
PsychophobiaCryptoIMPECDSA★★★★, ★★Python11My own


BlackHat MEA CTF 2022 Finals [CTFtime]

LWEKECryptoIMPLWE★★★★, ★★Python?-
Beastly VaultCryptoIMPAES-CBC, AES-GCM★★★★★, ★★★Flask?-
Webbed*CryptoIMPAES-CBC★, ★★Flask?-
ECPCCryptoTOYECDSA★★, ★★★Python?-
Ursa MajorCryptoTOYRSA★★, ★★Python?-
Bob went ShoppingCryptoIMPE2EE (LINE-2018">My own</a>★★★, ★Python?-

BlackHat MEA CTF 2022 Qualifiers [CTFtime]

Ursa MinorCryptoTOYRSA★, ★★Python?-
Nothing Up My S-boxCryptoTOYSPN★★, ★★★Python?-

n00bzCTF 2022 [CTFtime]

RSA-OOPSCryptoTOYRSA★, ★Python?-
Hadis PaideCryptoIMPPaillier★, ★Python?-

HackPack CTF 2022 [CTFtime]

RSA-OOPSCryptoTOYRSA★, ★Python?-
Hadis PaideCryptoIMPPaillier★, ★Python?-

UMassCTF 2022 [CTFtime]

FastCryptCryptoIMPSPN★, ★Python24-
MTRSASSCryptoTOYMSS, RSA★, ★Python6-
Tomb of TutanflagunCryptoTOYHill★, ★None3-
HatMashCryptoTOYLinear Algebra★, ★Python1My own
Order of the Eight ApolloniiCryptoTOYSSS★★★, ★★Python1-


K3RN3LCTF 2021 [CTFtime]

Twizzty BuzzinezzCryptoTOYXOR☆, ☆None116My own
1-800-758-6237CryptoIMPAES-CTR★, ★★Python28My own
Non-Square Freedom 1CryptoTOYRSA★★, ★None21My own
Non-Square Freedom 2CryptoTOYRSA★★, ★★None11My own
Poly-ProofCryptoTOYPCS★★, ★★Python11My own
Poly Expo go BRRRRRCryptoTOYRSA★★, ★Python9My own
Tick TockCryptoTOYGroup Theory★, ★Python6My own
3Dangerous CommuteMiscPZLMaze★, ★Python5-
Cozzmic DizzcoveryCryptoPZLXOR★, ★Python3My own
HADIORCryptoIMPDSA★, ★Python3My own
lightningrodRevXOR★, ★★None3My own
BeecryptionCryptoTOYAffine★★, ★★★Python2My own
Game of SecretsCryptoTOYGame of Life★★★, ★★Python2My own
Objection!CryptoIMPDSA★★★, ★Python2My own
Ain't no Mountain High EnoughCryptoTOYHill★★, ★Python1My own
MowhockCryptoTOYChaos★★★★, ★★Python0-
Shrine of the Sweating BuddhaCryptoTOYPaillier★★★★, ★★Python0My own
Total EncryptionCryptoIMPRSA★★★, ★★★★Python0My own
WannaSwirl FixedRevMalware★★★None0Abraxus

And more, just waiting to be published ~ !